WILL: "In the name of God, Amen. I, Robery Cogswell bequeath my soul toGod & my bodye to be buried in the Churche or in the Churchyarde ofWestburye. To St. Mary''s Church, Saram, sixpence. To Westbury Church,twelvepence. To the Church in Dilton, twelvepence. Item: I give to thepoore people of Leigh & Dilton a sack of wheate to be broken and givenunto them. Unto my sonne Robarte Cogswell, the house of Hancock, &c. ToRychard Cogswell, my sonne, 3๏ฟฝ 6s. 8d. To Stephen Cogswell, my sonne, 6๏ฟฝ.Item. I give unto Rychard & Stephen, my sonnes, all my sheares with therest of my workinge tooles, that pertayneth to my occupation, after theirmother doe give up the use of them, Stephen to have his portion at theage of 24. To Margaret Cogswell, my daughter, 6๏ฟฝ 13s. 4d. To Margery, mydaughter, and to Edith, my daughter, 6๏ฟฝ 13s. 4d. each. To Roger andGeorge Cogswell, the sonnes of Robert Cogswell, one ewe each. To MargaretCogswell, the daughter of Edward Cogswell, one ewe..." Several gifts oflive stock to persons by the name of Smith & Freestone "''...To my sonEdward Cogeswell, my best weather sheepe. To Roger, son of RobertCogswell, certain vessels of Brass after the death of Alice my wife..."He appoints his wife Alice sole Executrix.
Signed: Robert CogswellWitnessed: Geo. Oldlambe, John Whatley, Wm.Franklyn, Nicholas Beaser.
Signed: Robert CogswellWitnessed: Geo. Oldlambe, John Whatley, Wm.Franklyn, Nicholas Beaser.
- 7 JUN 1581 - Burial - ; Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England
- 1 JUN 1581 - Will - ; Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England
- 14 JUL 1581 - Will Proved - ; Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England
? | ||||||
? | ||||||
? | ||||||
? | ||||||
? | ||||||
? | ||||||
PARENT (M) Robert Cogswell | |||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
Marriage | to Alicia | ||
Father | ? | ||
Mother | ? | ||
PARENT (F) Alicia | |||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
Marriage | to Robert Cogswell | ||
Father | ? | ||
Mother | ? | ||
M | Edward Cogswell | ||
Birth | Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England | ||
Death | BEF 25 JUN 1615 | Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England | |
Marriage | to Alice |
[S221] | Cogswells in America, The |
+ Alicia
2 Edward Cogswell d: BEF 25 JUN 1615
+ Alice d: BEF 11 MAY 1616
3 Johannes Cogswell b: 1592 d: 29 NOV 1669
+ Elizabeth Thompson b: CAL 1599 d: 2 JUN 1676
4 Hannah Cogswell b: 1624 d: 25 DEC 1704
+ Cornelius Waldo b: ABT 1624 d: 3/03 JAN 1700/1701
5 Daniel Waldo b: 19 AUG 1657 d: 1 NOV 1737
+ Susanna Adams d: 16 MAR 1741
6 Bethiah Waldo b: 20 AUG 1688
+ Edmund Littlefield b: 1692 d: 27 MAY 1717
7 Esther Littlefield b: 6 NOV 1714 d: 2 MAY 1792
+ Silas Briggs b: ABT 1732
+ Samuel Soper b: 1 NOV 1709 d: 23 AUG 1749
8 Hannah Soper b: 25 FEB 1733
+ Daniel Pettingell b: 10 OCT 1726 d: 20 NOV 1808
9 Silvia Pettingell b: 8 MAY 1761 d: 15 NOV 1822
+ Zebulon (Revolutionary Soldier) Phillips b: 5 FEB 1756 d: 15 APR 1825
10 Zebulon Phillips b: 1781 d: 15 DEC 1838
+ Rachel C Roberts b: 1780 d: 1860/1861