Lived in Nassau Co., Florida in 1814
Nominal Poll of the inhabitants of both Rivers of Nassau. In the 1814Spanish Census of Florida, reel #148 is listed: John Edwards widower age38,Male children 1 of 1-7 yrs., 1 from 7-16 yrs. Female children, 1 of7-16. To tal in family 4. Total slaves 13.John Edward, widower, marriedsecond, Mary Ann Braddock, daughter of Cap t. John Cutler and LuciaBraddock. Will of Mary Braddock Edwards, State of Florida, JeffersonCounty, list her children. John and Mary Braddock Edwards moved fromAmelia Island to St. Augustine with their family where he establishedhimself and engaged in boat building. At the time of his death in 1818,he owned a large number of slaves and was a wealthy man. After his death, the family moved to Jefferson County near the town of what is nowcalled Lloyd.Mary Braddock Edwards died at her plantation and is buriedat Edgewood Cemetery beside Elizabeth Edwards, her oldest daughter. Maryhad a very lengthy will in which she named every child except Elizabeth,who had preceded her in death.Submitted by: Helen B. Hodges, Callahan,Fl.Ref: Braddock - Edwards FamilyHistory------------------------------------------------------------------------The family history onthe rest of this family seems to have been writt en by a granddaughter ofOscar Christopher Edwards. I found the typed fam ily history in mymother, Helen Hodges, files and have included it in t he Edwards FamilyHistory. I do not know where it came from, the papers a re yellowed andappear to be old. There is no mention as to who wrote i t, but the authorsaid that Oscar Christopher Edwards was her (or his) grandfather.Submitted by: Jean Mizell.------------------------------------------------------------------------I received this email fromJerry Braddock on William Lyford, Jr.:Subject: Re: Where were you whenI was doing my DAR paperwork?!Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998,,,campbe ll@bitstorm.net12/6/1998Dear Ann TelfairCramer,I was looking through some the records I found researching mybook and fou nd several itemswhich my be of interest to you as adescendant of John Edwards and probab ly of Edward Telfair:The first isa record from the Telfair papers and deals with the Somervil le estate,of which Edward Telfair was administrator. Email format may pre ventcolumns from aligning properly. The mentioned William Lyford J r. is myfifth great uncle and some great uncle to you as a descenda nt of DavidCutler Braddock, Lyford''s brother-in-law:--------------------------------------------------------------------Collections of the GeorgiaHistorical Society (Telfair Family Papers,vouch ersfor payment made byEdward Telfair for the estate of John Somerville &accounts of Somervillean d Rae):Messrs. Rae and SomervilleTo William Lyford Dr.1767 To Capt.Summerfield from Philadelphia ยฃ 0..15.._ditto from Providence_..15.._ditto Sloop Hibernia 10 feet 2..10.._
1768 ditto Capt. Morgan out & in 1..10.._ditto Capt. Spince 12 feet3..10.._ditto the Hibernia out 11 feet 1.. 9.._ditto Capt. Beaty 14 feet5..14.._
1769 ditto the Hibernia 10 ยฝ 2..18.._ditto . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 112..1 8.._ditto Capt. Horton 10 2..10.._ditto Sloop Jane 10 feet2..10.._Carrying the Sloop Jane over the barr and returni ng again &carried out _..10.._1770 ditto Sloop Jane 10 feet 2.. _.. _ditto CaptWebb 10 2..10.._ditto the Hibernia 11 feet 2..18.._ditto Capt. DavidSalvington 11 feet quire 5.. _.. _ditto the Hibernia 11 feet2..18.._ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2..18.. _ditto Capt. Kirk 10 feet2..10.._ditto Sloop Jane 10 feet 2..10.._ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . .2..10.._ditto 9 feet . . . . . . . . 2.. 4.._ditto the Hibernia2..18.._ditto Capt. McDaniel 11 ยฝ 3..10.._ditto Capt. Throwbridge 2..5.._ditto Capt Dickson 9 feet 2.. 4.._ditto Brig Catharn 9 feet 2..4.._ditto getting Sloop off Lochless Bank and bringing her to Cockspur,Capt Tudor 1..5.._ditto Sloop Jane, Capt. Sharman 2..10..========ยฃ 76..17.._Errors Excepted by Wm. LyfordAttested and signed the aboveAccount this twenty Second day of February 1 775 before meOttolengheRec''d February 22, 1755 of Edward Telfair Esq to the deceasedJohn Somerville Surviving Corporation of Rae & Somerville the within sumof Seventy Six Pounds Seventeen Shillings in full of all demand agst SaidEstate.Wm. LyfordMr. John Somerville Dr. to William Lyford
1772 May To Pilottage Sloop Jane ยฃ 2.. 0.. 01773 Jany ditto Brig John2.. 0 .. 0 May ditto " 2..18.. 0 dito ======= 7.16..00 Attested andSigned the above account this twenty second day of Februar y, 1775 beforeme.Ottolenghe Received 22nd Feby 1775 of Edwd Telfair Esq to the dec''dJohn Somerville the within sum of Seven pounds Sixteen Shillings in fullof all demand or agstsd Estate Wm.Lyford-------------------------------------------------------------------The next is from a meeting ofthe Georgia Council of Safety three months after the British had been runout of Georgia. In addition to uncle William Lyford Jr. being mentioned,Peter Edwards--who may or may not be related to John Edwards--and EdwardTelfair are named:---------------------------------------------------------------------Collections ofthe Georgia Historical Society (Excerpt of minutes of meeting from"Proceedings of the Georgia Council of Safety"):At a meeting of theCouncil, June 26th, 1776 Present: His Excellency the Prest. WilliamLeConte.Adam Fowler Brisbane. Benjn. Andrew. John Wereat. John AdamTreutlen. Jonathan Cochrane.Doctor Nathan Brownson waited on the Board,and took his seat in the room of Colonel Baker. His Excellency thePresident laid before the Board the Address of the Congress respectingthose whose going at large is dangerous to the liberties of America, whenthe following list was proposed as containing persons of this character:Alexander Martin. James Spalding. John Douglass. Benj. Wilson.John Hume.George Baillie. Andrew Johnson. ThomasNetherclift. Henry Preston. Alexd.Mcgoun.James Kitching. Robert Reid. Willm. Read. James Mossman. JohnPatton. Wm. Panton. Thomas Johnson. William Skinner. Charles Wm. McKinen.Francis Knowles. Thomas Reid. Samuel Douglas.Philip Yonge. Thomas Moody.William Lyford. Lewis Johnson,junr. Alexander Begby. Joseph Farley.PeterEdwards. James Robertson. George Kincaid. John Martin. Nathaniel Hall.William Thompson.Philip Moore. John Jamison. Jno. B. Randall. Edwd.Telfair. Doctor Zubly. John Inglis. Andrew Hewat. John Foulis. RobertProteous.-------------------------------------------------------------------Edward Telfair was not onlyexonerated of the charge of being for the British cause by being includedon a 1780 list of those the British considered as traitors, he laterelected one of the state of Georgia''s early governors.The remainingitems are about a John Edwards who I thinks is the one who married LuciaBraddock. The first is a record of belated payments for serv ice in theRevolutionary War. John Edwards is list as having been lieutena nt on agalley. John Braddock is on the same list as captain of a galley. There
were few Georgia gallies in the war, so there is a good chance that thetwo men served on the same vessel and that may be what lead to JohnEdwards meeting John Braddock''s daughterLucia:------------------------------------------------------------------------Georgia Department ofArchives and History (Auditor''s Journal entries):. . . February 1,1787. . .105 The United States, Dr. to Sundry persons, viz: 104 To JohnEdwards, for his pay as a Lieutenant on Board the Gallies, No 936ยฃ152-9-5ยฝ. 194 To John Bacon Ditto, 937 ยฃ162-6.104 To John Trevor,Ditto 930 ยฃ212-16. 107 To Captain John Braddock Ditto 939 ยฃ 478-5-4. ToCaptain John Hardy, for pay for 8 Negroes on Board the Gallies, ยฃ 264 -To Peter Thomas, for his pay as Captain of Artillery at the reduction ofAugusta, per resolve of Assembly,ยฃ49-11-8------------------------------------------------------------------------
John Hardy commanded one of the other gallies. If my memory servesmecorrectly, I think I heard from someone, perhaps Pat Goodbread Smithor Ju dgeAlexander D. Williams, that the Thomas Ellis Hardee that MaryAnn Berrie,daughter of Lucia''s sister Mary Ann Braddock Berrie, married.was a descen dantof Captain John Hardee.John Edwards, along with JohnBraddock and most public figures of GlynnCounty, was listed in the July10 issue of the State of Georgia Gazette as adefaulter of taxes on landon St. Simon''s Island:Defaulters of St. Simon''s District.JohnThompkins, Jacob Helvelstone, Richard Touchstone, ChristopherTouchstone,John Piles, John Nunn, Hugh Binks, Joseph Terry, RichardSummerford,Leonard Harper, John Palmer, Martin Palmer, George Jenkins,AlexanderBisset, Samuel Gray, Barthalomew Bath, James Woodland, ArthurAdkins,William Mazo, Richard Dudley, John Edwards, James Helveston,RaymondDemere jun, Alexander Daniel Cuthbert, John Braddock, RichardBradley,William Edwards, Jesse Wicket, Daniel Manson, William Steven,Joh nBurnetsen, John Burnet jun, George Fulford, ---Garnet, John Jones, JohnGood,James Spalding.J. Mackintosh jun,Receiver of Tax Returns St. Simon''sIsland.------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ----And finally,John Edwards is again coupled with John (Cutler) Braddo ck in theGlynnCounty Militia, of which John Braddock later becamecommander:------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ----GeorgiaDepartment of Archives and History (Minutes of the ExecutiveCounci lofGeorgia, appointment):Government houseAugusta, Saturday 4th. Septr. 4,1790.The rank and arrangement of the Militia of Glynn County areestablishe dthis day in the following order:Christopher Hillary, Esqr.Colo.John Braddock Esqr. Lieut. Colo.John McIntosh Esqr., Major. Bradley Esqr., CaptainJohn Edwards Gent. , 1stLieut.Richard Summerford Gent., 2nd Lieut. 2nd company.William StevenEsqr., Capt.James McLeod Gent., 1st Lieut.James Harrison Gent., 2ndLieutState House, Augusta. Saturday 4th Septr.1790------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ----I think the abovepertaining to John Edwards presents pretty goodcircumstantial evidencethat he served with John Braddock in the effectivecampaign John Braddockand his galley waged against the British.I hope this information servesin furthering your search of Edwards familyhistory.Jerry B.June 19,1799Baptized on Amelia Island two days later were Elizabeth, about 6,Eugene a bout 4, and Ann, about 2, children of John Edwards, "native ofCarolina d el Sur[South Carolina], son of Isaac and Marta Federt" andMary Braddoc k, "native of Georgia, Estados Unidos de America, daughterof " John and L ucia Cooke." I havenโt been able to find the surname"Federt," John Edward sโ motherโs maiden name anywhere, certainly not inSouth Carolina. One Spa nish meaning of the word is "spring." There is amultitude of Sprin gs in South Carolina. But that is only speculation. Itis obvious that A nn was married before her fatherโs death in 1794. Assaid earlier, perha ps she and John Edwards preceded Lucy to AmeliaIsland and Lucy came becau se of them. No oath of allegiance for JohnEdwards is in the East Flori da Papers.
Nominal Poll of the inhabitants of both Rivers of Nassau. In the 1814Spanish Census of Florida, reel #148 is listed: John Edwards widower age38,Male children 1 of 1-7 yrs., 1 from 7-16 yrs. Female children, 1 of7-16. To tal in family 4. Total slaves 13.John Edward, widower, marriedsecond, Mary Ann Braddock, daughter of Cap t. John Cutler and LuciaBraddock. Will of Mary Braddock Edwards, State of Florida, JeffersonCounty, list her children. John and Mary Braddock Edwards moved fromAmelia Island to St. Augustine with their family where he establishedhimself and engaged in boat building. At the time of his death in 1818,he owned a large number of slaves and was a wealthy man. After his death, the family moved to Jefferson County near the town of what is nowcalled Lloyd.Mary Braddock Edwards died at her plantation and is buriedat Edgewood Cemetery beside Elizabeth Edwards, her oldest daughter. Maryhad a very lengthy will in which she named every child except Elizabeth,who had preceded her in death.Submitted by: Helen B. Hodges, Callahan,Fl.Ref: Braddock - Edwards FamilyHistory------------------------------------------------------------------------The family history onthe rest of this family seems to have been writt en by a granddaughter ofOscar Christopher Edwards. I found the typed fam ily history in mymother, Helen Hodges, files and have included it in t he Edwards FamilyHistory. I do not know where it came from, the papers a re yellowed andappear to be old. There is no mention as to who wrote i t, but the authorsaid that Oscar Christopher Edwards was her (or his) grandfather.Submitted by: Jean Mizell.------------------------------------------------------------------------I received this email fromJerry Braddock on William Lyford, Jr.:Subject: Re: Where were you whenI was doing my DAR paperwork?!Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998,,,campbe ll@bitstorm.net12/6/1998Dear Ann TelfairCramer,I was looking through some the records I found researching mybook and fou nd several itemswhich my be of interest to you as adescendant of John Edwards and probab ly of Edward Telfair:The first isa record from the Telfair papers and deals with the Somervil le estate,of which Edward Telfair was administrator. Email format may pre ventcolumns from aligning properly. The mentioned William Lyford J r. is myfifth great uncle and some great uncle to you as a descenda nt of DavidCutler Braddock, Lyford''s brother-in-law:--------------------------------------------------------------------Collections of the GeorgiaHistorical Society (Telfair Family Papers,vouch ersfor payment made byEdward Telfair for the estate of John Somerville &accounts of Somervillean d Rae):Messrs. Rae and SomervilleTo William Lyford Dr.1767 To Capt.Summerfield from Philadelphia ยฃ 0..15.._ditto from Providence_..15.._ditto Sloop Hibernia 10 feet 2..10.._
1768 ditto Capt. Morgan out & in 1..10.._ditto Capt. Spince 12 feet3..10.._ditto the Hibernia out 11 feet 1.. 9.._ditto Capt. Beaty 14 feet5..14.._
1769 ditto the Hibernia 10 ยฝ 2..18.._ditto . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 112..1 8.._ditto Capt. Horton 10 2..10.._ditto Sloop Jane 10 feet2..10.._Carrying the Sloop Jane over the barr and returni ng again &carried out _..10.._1770 ditto Sloop Jane 10 feet 2.. _.. _ditto CaptWebb 10 2..10.._ditto the Hibernia 11 feet 2..18.._ditto Capt. DavidSalvington 11 feet quire 5.. _.. _ditto the Hibernia 11 feet2..18.._ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2..18.. _ditto Capt. Kirk 10 feet2..10.._ditto Sloop Jane 10 feet 2..10.._ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . .2..10.._ditto 9 feet . . . . . . . . 2.. 4.._ditto the Hibernia2..18.._ditto Capt. McDaniel 11 ยฝ 3..10.._ditto Capt. Throwbridge 2..5.._ditto Capt Dickson 9 feet 2.. 4.._ditto Brig Catharn 9 feet 2..4.._ditto getting Sloop off Lochless Bank and bringing her to Cockspur,Capt Tudor 1..5.._ditto Sloop Jane, Capt. Sharman 2..10..========ยฃ 76..17.._Errors Excepted by Wm. LyfordAttested and signed the aboveAccount this twenty Second day of February 1 775 before meOttolengheRec''d February 22, 1755 of Edward Telfair Esq to the deceasedJohn Somerville Surviving Corporation of Rae & Somerville the within sumof Seventy Six Pounds Seventeen Shillings in full of all demand agst SaidEstate.Wm. LyfordMr. John Somerville Dr. to William Lyford
1772 May To Pilottage Sloop Jane ยฃ 2.. 0.. 01773 Jany ditto Brig John2.. 0 .. 0 May ditto " 2..18.. 0 dito ======= 7.16..00 Attested andSigned the above account this twenty second day of Februar y, 1775 beforeme.Ottolenghe Received 22nd Feby 1775 of Edwd Telfair Esq to the dec''dJohn Somerville the within sum of Seven pounds Sixteen Shillings in fullof all demand or agstsd Estate Wm.Lyford-------------------------------------------------------------------The next is from a meeting ofthe Georgia Council of Safety three months after the British had been runout of Georgia. In addition to uncle William Lyford Jr. being mentioned,Peter Edwards--who may or may not be related to John Edwards--and EdwardTelfair are named:---------------------------------------------------------------------Collections ofthe Georgia Historical Society (Excerpt of minutes of meeting from"Proceedings of the Georgia Council of Safety"):At a meeting of theCouncil, June 26th, 1776 Present: His Excellency the Prest. WilliamLeConte.Adam Fowler Brisbane. Benjn. Andrew. John Wereat. John AdamTreutlen. Jonathan Cochrane.Doctor Nathan Brownson waited on the Board,and took his seat in the room of Colonel Baker. His Excellency thePresident laid before the Board the Address of the Congress respectingthose whose going at large is dangerous to the liberties of America, whenthe following list was proposed as containing persons of this character:Alexander Martin. James Spalding. John Douglass. Benj. Wilson.John Hume.George Baillie. Andrew Johnson. ThomasNetherclift. Henry Preston. Alexd.Mcgoun.James Kitching. Robert Reid. Willm. Read. James Mossman. JohnPatton. Wm. Panton. Thomas Johnson. William Skinner. Charles Wm. McKinen.Francis Knowles. Thomas Reid. Samuel Douglas.Philip Yonge. Thomas Moody.William Lyford. Lewis Johnson,junr. Alexander Begby. Joseph Farley.PeterEdwards. James Robertson. George Kincaid. John Martin. Nathaniel Hall.William Thompson.Philip Moore. John Jamison. Jno. B. Randall. Edwd.Telfair. Doctor Zubly. John Inglis. Andrew Hewat. John Foulis. RobertProteous.-------------------------------------------------------------------Edward Telfair was not onlyexonerated of the charge of being for the British cause by being includedon a 1780 list of those the British considered as traitors, he laterelected one of the state of Georgia''s early governors.The remainingitems are about a John Edwards who I thinks is the one who married LuciaBraddock. The first is a record of belated payments for serv ice in theRevolutionary War. John Edwards is list as having been lieutena nt on agalley. John Braddock is on the same list as captain of a galley. There
were few Georgia gallies in the war, so there is a good chance that thetwo men served on the same vessel and that may be what lead to JohnEdwards meeting John Braddock''s daughterLucia:------------------------------------------------------------------------Georgia Department ofArchives and History (Auditor''s Journal entries):. . . February 1,1787. . .105 The United States, Dr. to Sundry persons, viz: 104 To JohnEdwards, for his pay as a Lieutenant on Board the Gallies, No 936ยฃ152-9-5ยฝ. 194 To John Bacon Ditto, 937 ยฃ162-6.104 To John Trevor,Ditto 930 ยฃ212-16. 107 To Captain John Braddock Ditto 939 ยฃ 478-5-4. ToCaptain John Hardy, for pay for 8 Negroes on Board the Gallies, ยฃ 264 -To Peter Thomas, for his pay as Captain of Artillery at the reduction ofAugusta, per resolve of Assembly,ยฃ49-11-8------------------------------------------------------------------------
John Hardy commanded one of the other gallies. If my memory servesmecorrectly, I think I heard from someone, perhaps Pat Goodbread Smithor Ju dgeAlexander D. Williams, that the Thomas Ellis Hardee that MaryAnn Berrie,daughter of Lucia''s sister Mary Ann Braddock Berrie, married.was a descen dantof Captain John Hardee.John Edwards, along with JohnBraddock and most public figures of GlynnCounty, was listed in the July10 issue of the State of Georgia Gazette as adefaulter of taxes on landon St. Simon''s Island:Defaulters of St. Simon''s District.JohnThompkins, Jacob Helvelstone, Richard Touchstone, ChristopherTouchstone,John Piles, John Nunn, Hugh Binks, Joseph Terry, RichardSummerford,Leonard Harper, John Palmer, Martin Palmer, George Jenkins,AlexanderBisset, Samuel Gray, Barthalomew Bath, James Woodland, ArthurAdkins,William Mazo, Richard Dudley, John Edwards, James Helveston,RaymondDemere jun, Alexander Daniel Cuthbert, John Braddock, RichardBradley,William Edwards, Jesse Wicket, Daniel Manson, William Steven,Joh nBurnetsen, John Burnet jun, George Fulford, ---Garnet, John Jones, JohnGood,James Spalding.J. Mackintosh jun,Receiver of Tax Returns St. Simon''sIsland.------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ----And finally,John Edwards is again coupled with John (Cutler) Braddo ck in theGlynnCounty Militia, of which John Braddock later becamecommander:------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ----GeorgiaDepartment of Archives and History (Minutes of the ExecutiveCounci lofGeorgia, appointment):Government houseAugusta, Saturday 4th. Septr. 4,1790.The rank and arrangement of the Militia of Glynn County areestablishe dthis day in the following order:Christopher Hillary, Esqr.Colo.John Braddock Esqr. Lieut. Colo.John McIntosh Esqr., Major. Bradley Esqr., CaptainJohn Edwards Gent. , 1stLieut.Richard Summerford Gent., 2nd Lieut. 2nd company.William StevenEsqr., Capt.James McLeod Gent., 1st Lieut.James Harrison Gent., 2ndLieutState House, Augusta. Saturday 4th Septr.1790------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ----I think the abovepertaining to John Edwards presents pretty goodcircumstantial evidencethat he served with John Braddock in the effectivecampaign John Braddockand his galley waged against the British.I hope this information servesin furthering your search of Edwards familyhistory.Jerry B.June 19,1799Baptized on Amelia Island two days later were Elizabeth, about 6,Eugene a bout 4, and Ann, about 2, children of John Edwards, "native ofCarolina d el Sur[South Carolina], son of Isaac and Marta Federt" andMary Braddoc k, "native of Georgia, Estados Unidos de America, daughterof " John and L ucia Cooke." I havenโt been able to find the surname"Federt," John Edward sโ motherโs maiden name anywhere, certainly not inSouth Carolina. One Spa nish meaning of the word is "spring." There is amultitude of Sprin gs in South Carolina. But that is only speculation. Itis obvious that A nn was married before her fatherโs death in 1794. Assaid earlier, perha ps she and John Edwards preceded Lucy to AmeliaIsland and Lucy came becau se of them. No oath of allegiance for JohnEdwards is in the East Flori da Papers.
- 1818 - Death - ; St. Augustine, St. Johns, Florida
? | ||||||
? | ||||||
? | ||||||
? | ||||||
PARENT (M) Isaac Edwards | |||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
Marriage | 28 AUG 1965 | to Marta Federt at Dallas, Dallas, Texas | |
Father | ? | ||
Mother | ? | ||
PARENT (F) Marta Federt | |||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
Marriage | 28 AUG 1965 | to Isaac Edwards at Dallas, Dallas, Texas | |
Father | ? | ||
Mother | ? | ||
M | John David Edwards | ||
Birth | |||
Death | 1818 | St. Augustine, St. Johns, Florida | |
Marriage | to Ann Braddock |
PARENT (M) John David Edwards | |||
Birth | |||
Death | 1818 | St. Augustine, St. Johns, Florida | |
Marriage | to Ann Braddock | ||
Father | Isaac Edwards | ||
Mother | Marta Federt | ||
PARENT (F) Ann Braddock | |||
Birth | 29 AUG 1774 | South Carolina | |
Death | 6 MAR 1816 | Camden, Georgia | |
Marriage | to John David Edwards | ||
Father | ? | ||
Mother | ? | ||
M | Eugene Edwards | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
F | Elizabeth Edwards | ||
Birth | 1791 | Amelia Island, Nassau, Florida | |
Death | 1845 | Jefferson, Florida | |
Marriage | to Thomas J. Reynolds | ||
Marriage | 26 APR 1807 | to ? | |
F | Ann Edwards | ||
Birth | 1797 | Amelia Island, Nassau, Florida | |
Death | |||
F | Caroline M. Edwards | ||
Birth | 1806 | Amelia Island, Nassau, Florida | |
Death | |||
F | Adeline Catherine Edwards | ||
Birth | 27 FEB 1808 | Amelia Island, Nassau, Florida | |
Death | |||
M | James Braddock Edwards | ||
Birth | 31 JAN 1812 | Amelia Island, Nassau, Florida | |
Death | |||
M | Henry Recus Edwards | ||
Birth | 1815 | Amelia Island, Nassau, Florida | |
Death | |||
M | John David Edwards | ||
Birth | 1800 | ||
Death |
1 John David Edwards d: 1818
+ Ann Braddock b: 29 AUG 1774 d: 6 MAR 1816
2 Elizabeth Edwards b: 1791 d: 1845
+ ?
2 Ann Edwards b: 1797
2 Caroline M. Edwards b: 1806
2 Adeline Catherine Edwards b: 27 FEB 1808
2 James Braddock Edwards b: 31 JAN 1812
2 Henry Recus Edwards b: 1815
2 John David Edwards b: 1800