Mansfield Connecticut Early Vital Records Index 1679 to 1906
Person(s) of Interest:
- Barrows, David (22 DEC 1758 - )
- Barrows, Esther (16 DEC 1739 - )
- Barrows, Eunice (12 DEC 1748 - )
- Barrows, Gersham (29 APR 1730 - )
- Barrows, Hannah (11 JUN 1732 - )
- Barrows, Isaac (1 APR 1725 - )
- Barrows, Isaac (30 DEC 1742 - )
- Barrows, Jabez (11 OCT 1711 - 18 MAY 1792)
- Barrows, John (22 JUL 1727 - 3 DEC 1733)
- Barrows, John (13 JUL 1734 - )
- Barrows, Lidy (21/21 FEB 1746/1747 - )
- Barrows, Martha (4 SEP 1755 - )
- Barrows, Robert (8 MAY 1739 - 6 JUL 1826)
- Barrows, Samuel (2 APR 1769 - )
- Barrows, Samuel (18 FEB 1740 - )
- Barrows, Sibbel (13 DEC 1744 - )
- Barrows, Stephen (9 JUL 1752 - 31 JUL 1830)
- Barrows, Thomas (20 SEP 1742 - )
- Barrows, Thomas (14 FEB 1697 - 28 OCT 1776)
- Crane, Zerviah (28 MAY 1769 - )
- Farler, Mary (ABT 1752 - 9 JUL 1830)
- Hall, Daughter (28 MAY 1702 - 28 MAY 1702)
- Hall, Esther (28 FEB 1701 - 17 MAR 1761)
- Hall, Isaac (ABT 1674 - 6 AUG 1757)
- Hall, Mary (27 SEP 1717 - 23/23 OCT 1758/1772)
- Hall, Sarah (28 JUL 1703 - 9 APR 1791)
- Hall, Sybil (27 OCT 1716 - )
- Heath, Mary (18 DEC 1736 - 28 AUG 1788)
- Read, Amasa (13 JAN 1757 - 2 JAN 1830)
- Reed, Elihue (21/21 MAR 1749/1750 - )
- Reed, Hannah (20 APR 1756 - )
- Reed, Irena (31 JAN 1758 - )
- Reed, John (28 FEB 1751 - )
- Reed, Nathan (10 JUN 1754 - )
- Reed, Rebecca (13 APR 1760 - )
- Reed, Stephen (1762 - )
- Reed, Susannah (17 DEC 1747 - )
- Reed, Tryphena (13 JUN 1766 - )
- Slaughter, Sarah (24 MAR 1760 - 22 APR 1800)
- Southworth, Chester (17 JUL 1765 - )
- Southworth, Hannah (9 JAN 1763 - )
- Southworth, Lucy (8 MAY 1766 - )
- Southworth, Luther (17 MAR 1773 - )
- Southworth, Phineas (13 JAN 1771 - )
- Southworth, Ralph (7 APR 1768 - )
- Turner, Anne (28 OCT 1758 - )
- Turner, Dolly (27 DEC 1754 - 29 MAY 1792)
- Turner, Elizabeth (17 JUL 1738 - )
- Turner, Hannah (2 FEB 1739 - )
- Turner, Isaac (16/16 FEB 1713/1714 - 5 JUL 1776)
- Turner, Isaac (20 AUG 1744 - )
- Turner, John (12 JUN 1716 - 15 JUL 1776)
- Turner, Lois (18 APR 1741 - 8 MAY 1741)
- Turner, Lydia (4 AUG 1741 - )
- Turner, Phineas (19 DEC 1754 - )
- Turner, Rebecca (17 JUL 1743 - )
- Turner, Rebecca (6 DEC 1723 - )
- Turner, Samuel (3 JUN 1742 - )
- Turner, Stephen (7 FEB 1747 - )