Read, William

William Read
b: 3 FEB 1654
d: AFT 1674
See History of Weymouth, Vol. IV, p. 569, which shows the Wiliam Reed whomarried Esther Thompson as a son of the other William Reade of Weymouth.
I have entered the information James Reed shows for Wm Reade, son of Wmand Susannah. I believe it should be associated with Wm, son of Wm andRuth since the first son is consistently shown as having died early. Itis entered here to preserve the information, but needs further research.Also, note that the marriage to Esther Thompson may be a differentWilliam Read.
William, son of William and Susannah--Most sources show he "died young."Could the information listed belong to Wm., son of Wm. & Ruth?
James Reed:
The reasons that I have this shown as it is, comes from somecircumstantial evidence, and some conjecture on my part. It would take acomplete E-mail to explain, so I will try and remember to send you aseparate E-mail about this. In any event there is no proof positive foreither possibility, so you would be just as correct to show it the otherway. Isn''t genealogy fun!
JCR: Need to see what the source says on this.( Occupation: Mariner)
James Reed:
Source: The Reade Record--as I recall they found some court records inregard to William Read getting into some trouble with his ship mates.
James Reed:
William Reed; the son of William Reade and Susannah Hayme, was bornOctober 15, 1639. He married Esther Thompson ofMiddleborough,Massachusetts, in 1675. Esther was the daughter ofJohnThompson and MaryCook. John Thompson came to New England with theWesson Company, when he was just six years old. Mary Cook was thedaughter of Mr. Francis Cooke,who came over on the "Mayflower" in 1620.

William lived on Pleasant Street on the southwesterly side. He built adam across the river near his house; probably between 1680 and 1690. Heowned all the land both sides of the street from Hingham line to RaggedPlain (so called) and from the river to a point westerly of thehouseowned by William Dyer and later built a double house on the sitethat hadbeen occupied by William Dyer''s house, also one between that andhisresidence.

William Reade served as a Trooper under Captain Thomas Prentice,alsounder Lieut. Edward Oaks, and Captain Isaac Johnson. He also servedin theMilitia of Weymouth under Captain William Torrey 1675-1676 in the MountHope Campaign. William was constable in Weymouth in 1675, which wasinthose times the principal office of the town. He was Selectman in1681,and an extensive dealer in land. His will, dated Oct. 26, 1705, acopy ofwhich is hereto appended, was proved Sept. 12, 1706, he and his wifedying between the time of making and the time it was probated.

Ancestors of Captain Philip Reade by Captain Philip Reade.
The Reed Genealogy
The Reade Record
  • 3 FEB 1654 - Birth - ; Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
  • 11 FEB 1655 - Christening - ; First Church, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
  • AFT 1674 - Death -
- BEF 1629
William Reade
ABT 1607 - BEF 13 JUN 1679
William Read
3 FEB 1654 - AFT 1674
Ruth Crooke
ABT 1625 - AFT 7 JUN 1681
Family Group Sheet - Child
PARENT (M) William Reade
BirthABT 1607England
DeathBEF 13 JUN 1679 Probably New London, Connecticut
Marriage20 MAR 1654to Ruth Crooke at Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Marriage12 OCT 1629to Susanna Hayme at Gillingham, Dorsetshire, England
PARENT (F) Ruth Crooke
BirthABT 1625Suffolk, England
DeathAFT 7 JUN 1681
Marriage20 MAR 1654to William Reade at Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
MWilliam Read
Birth3 FEB 1654Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
DeathAFT 1674
Marriage1675to Esther Thompson at Middleborough, Plymouth, Massachusetts
MIsaac Read
Birth18 APR 1656Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
MEphraim Read
Birth23 NOV 1657Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
MJonathan Read
Birth23 APR 1659Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Death2 JUL 1659Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Birth11 AUG 1660Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
FRuth Read
Birth7 MAY 1662Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Death17 JUL 1662Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
MHezekiah Read
Birth6 JUL 1663Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
FSarah Read
Birth26 JUN 1665Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
FElizabeth Read
Birth22 DEC 1666Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
DeathBEF 22 APR 1669Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
FElizabeth Read
Birth22 APR 1669Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Marriage6 JUL 1691to Samuel Durham at Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) William Read
Birth3 FEB 1654Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
DeathAFT 1674
Marriage1675to Esther Thompson at Middleborough, Plymouth, Massachusetts
FatherWilliam Reade
MotherRuth Crooke
PARENT (F) Esther Thompson
Birth28 JUL 1652Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Death26 OCT 1705 Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Marriage1675to William Read at Middleborough, Plymouth, Massachusetts
MJohn Read
Birth21 OCT 1680Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
MWilliam Read
Birth24 MAY 1682Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Death3 JUN 1753
Marriageto Alice Nash
MJohn Read
Birth10 JUL 1687Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
MJacob Read
Birth6 NOV 1691Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
FSarah Read
Birth21/21 MAR 1693/1694Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Marriageto Hezekiah King
FBashna Read
Marriageto Nicholas Porter
FMercy Read
Marriageto Whitmarsh
FMary Read
FHester Read
Marriage1707to Joseph Allen
[S429]History of Weymouth Massachesetts, In Four Volumes
[S428]Reade Record
[S294]Viola Haynes Genealogy Records
[S301]Family Genalogy File
Descendancy Chart
William Read b: 3 FEB 1654 d: AFT 1674
Esther Thompson b: 28 JUL 1652 d: 26 OCT 1705
John Read b: 21 OCT 1680 d: young
William Read b: 24 MAY 1682 d: 3 JUN 1753
John Read b: 10 JUL 1687
Jacob Read b: 6 NOV 1691 d: 1766
Sarah Read b: 21/21 MAR 1693/1694