Reed, Jesse

Jesse Reed
b: AFT 1750
d: BEF MAR 1792
Notes from Debbie Harison''s file, 16 Feb 2007:

Although, not proven the Jesse Reed who died in Charlemont, Hampshire Co.Mass in 1792 could very well be the Jesse, son of Hezekiah and Hannah. Hedid not leave a Will, but the guardianship papers provide the names ofhis wife, and minor children. In the 1790 Census the count was 2-2-5.

The following is the information I found in his Probate Papers..JesseReed of Charlemont:
1792 Book 17 191-190
"March 6, 1792; Ruth Reed is granted power of Administration. The estateis insolvent and is insufficent to discharge the debts. Ruth isappointed guardian to Ruth 7, Sarah 5, Alonzo 4, Jesse 2

1793 Book 18 95-97
The Inventory includes the farm at Charlemont and two lots in Cumington.59#, 63# total of estate..#232-4-1, Due on estate 24-5-4

1807 Book 24 312
Noah Reed is appointed guardian unto Lonzo Reed, a minor over 14, Childand heir of Jesse Reed,dec April 20, 1807.

The assumption would be that Ruth has died. I also saw a reference to a"Rev" Jesse Reed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gazetteer ofHampshire County, Mass., 1654-1887: 1654-1887, By William Burton Gay,p.226
Town of Cummington
Peter Tower, a decendant of John, who came from Hingham, England, about1838, was one of the early settlers of this town. His son Stephen marrieda Miss Bowker, and reared thirteen children. His son John was born inCummington in 1781, married Ruth, daughter of Rev. Jesse Reed, and hadborn to him seven children, viz.: John M., Salome, Coleman, Dexter,Laura, Roswell and Russell. Of these, lour are living, John M., Dexter,of Williamsburg, Laura (Mrs. Cephas Thayer), and Russell of Worthington.The last mentioned married Rebecca Granger, and has two children, Cole-man E. and Mary E. Dexter married Irene Pierce, and has four children,namely, Clinton B., C. Belle, Lizzie J. and Pearly D.

In 1771 the proprietors located a "meeting-house spot" very nearly in thegeographical center of the town, which was on the rocky ledge northwestof what is now known as the " Daniel Dawes place ; " but when they foundhow unsuitable it was, a dispute arose as to the proper locality. Thisdispute lasted seven years and was only settled when, a part of the townhaving been set off to (lagebornugh (now Windsor), the center ofCummington was changed. Meantime a meeting house had been built byprivate individuals near the "four corners." between the Adam Porter andSquire Snell farms. After the set off to Gageborough the town bought thismeeting-house, and moving it about a mile east on to the old " Meetinghouse Hill," enlarged it by putting a section in the middle. Serviceswere held in this church till another was built, a few rods south of it,in 1839. The first act of the town as a corporate body was theinstallation of a minister of the gospel. Before this time Rev. Mr.Hooper, Jesse Reed, Mr. Porter, Mr. Billings and Mr. Hotchkiss hadofficiated at brief intervals, but no minister had been ''settled until onthe 7th of July, 1779, the little church consisting of eight male membersordained Rev. James Briggs.
  • AFT 1750 - Birth -
  • BEF MAR 1792 - Death - ; Charlemont, Franklin, Massachusetts
  • 2 MAY 1763 - Residence - ; Chesterfield, Hampshire, Massachusetts
  • From 1777 to 1782 - Military Service - Captain Luke Day''s Company, 7th MA Regiment ; Deerfield, Franklin, Massachusetts
  • 2 MAY 1763 - Residence - ; Chesterfield, Hampshire, Massachusetts
Thomas Read
ABT 1686 - 29 DEC 1749
Hezekiah Reed
23/23 FEB 1720/1721 - 19 MAR 1794
Rebecca Palmer
29 Feb 1689/1690 - 7/07 MAR 1725/1726
Jesse Reed
AFT 1750 - BEF MAR 1792
Josiah Hadlock
2/02 MAR 1701/1702 - AFT 1772
Hannah Hadlock
30 OCT 1726 - BEF 28 DEC 1766
Dinah Booth
29 SEP 1703 - BEF 1748
Family Group Sheet - Child
PARENT (M) Hezekiah Reed
Birth23/23 FEB 1720/1721Windham, Windham, Connecticut
Death19 MAR 1794 Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts
Marriageto Elizabeth (Possible-See Notes) at Hampshire, Massachusetts
Marriage16/16 FEB 1746/1747to Hannah Hadlock at Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut
FatherThomas Read
MotherRebecca Palmer
PARENT (F) Hannah Hadlock
Birth30 OCT 1726Enfield, Hartford, Connecticut
DeathBEF 28 DEC 1766 Hampshire, Massachusetts
Marriage16/16 FEB 1746/1747to Hezekiah Reed at Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut
FatherJosiah Hadlock
MotherDinah Booth
MBenjamin Reed
Birth3 SEP 1748Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut
Death19 SEP 1777Stillwater, Saratoga, New York
Marriage19 JAN 1770to Levina Reed at Hatfield, Hampshire, Massachusetts
FHannah Reed
BirthAFT 1750
Marriage1777to Nathan Mighill at Williamsburg, Hampshire, Massachusetts
MJesse Reed
BirthAFT 1750
DeathBEF MAR 1792Charlemont, Franklin, Massachusetts
Marriageto Ruth Rice
MWilliam Reed
BirthAFT 1750
Death30 APR 1814Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts
Marriage6 MAY 1779to Martha Davis at Williamsburg, Hampshire, Massachusetts
FTamer Reed
BirthAFT 1750
MHezekiah Reed
BirthABT 1761Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut
Death3 APR 1827Essex, New York
Marriage21 JAN 1779to Sarah Noyes at New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) Jesse Reed
BirthAFT 1750
DeathBEF MAR 1792 Charlemont, Franklin, Massachusetts
Marriageto Ruth Rice
FatherHezekiah Reed
MotherHannah Hadlock
PARENT (F) Ruth Rice
Death1807 Charlemont, Franklin, Massachusetts
Marriageto Jesse Reed
MJesse Reed
BirthABT 1790Charlemont, Franklin, Massachusetts
MAlonzo Reed
Birth18 JUN 1788Charlemont, Franklin, Massachusetts
Death7 NOV 1842Montrose, Lee, Iowa
Marriage10 APR 1811to Betsy Edgerton at Charlemont, Franklin, Massachusetts
FRuth Reed
Birth1 APR 1783Charlemont, Franklin, Massachusetts
Death23 JUN 1785Charlemont, Franklin, Massachusetts
FRuth Reed
Birth29 MAR 1785Charlemont, Franklin, Massachusetts
FSarah Reed
Birth31 DEC 1786Charlemont, Franklin, Massachusetts
[S301]Family Genalogy File
[S261]Military Record
Descendancy Chart
Jesse Reed b: AFT 1750 d: BEF MAR 1792
Ruth Rice d: 1807
Jesse Reed b: ABT 1790
Alonzo Reed b: 18 JUN 1788 d: 7 NOV 1842
Betsy Edgerton b: 3 JUN 1790
Myrick W. Reed b: 13 DEC 1812
Danius Reed b: 12 JAN 1815
Alonzo Reed b: 24 NOV 1816
Emily Reed b: 2 FEB 1819
Francis Reed b: 31 OCT 1822
Mary Maria Reed b: 8 MAR 1826
Saloma Reed b: 17 OCT 1831
Oliver Hazard Perry Reed b: 8 JAN 1835
Ruth Reed b: 1 APR 1783 d: 23 JUN 1785
Ruth Reed b: 29 MAR 1785
Sarah Reed b: 31 DEC 1786