Sons of the Revolution Membership Application
Person(s) of Interest:
- Gaines, Isabelle Harriet (26 APR 1855 - 1922)
- Gooding, Rodney Edwin (Twin) (24 DEC 1876 - 26 MAY 1956)
- Gooding, Seymoure Hart (11 OCT 1807 - 7 APR 1870)
- Gooding, William Seymour (21 DEC 1852 - 1921)
- Pettingell, Silvia (8 MAY 1761 - 15 NOV 1822)
- Phillips, Emily Stillman (8 MAY 1814 - 29 MAR 1869)
- Phillips, Zebulon (1781 - 15 DEC 1838)
- Phillips, Zebulon (Revolutionary Soldier) (5 FEB 1756 - 15 APR 1825)
- Roberts, Rachel C (1780 - 1860/1861)