, Adalbert I

Adalbert I
d: AFT 28 FEB 929
Adalbert I (died after 28 February 929) was the margrave of Ivrea, thesecond of the Anscarid dynasty, from the late 890s until his death. Inthe intermittent civil war that effecting Italy from 888 into the 930s,Adalbert initially strove to remain neutral, but from 901 on he sidedsequentially with every claimant to the Italian throne.

He was a son of Margrave Anscar I, originally from Oscheret in UpperBurgundy. He succeeded his father at Ivrea between 896 and 900.[1] Heinitially refused to take sides after King Louis of Provence invadedItaly in 900, but after Louis''s imperial coronation in 901 he recognisedhis authority.[1] After Louis was defeated by his rival, Berengar I, in902, Adalbert changed sides. Shortly thereafter, by 903 at the latest, hemarried Gisela, Berengar''s daughter, which was possibly the price of hisallegiance. Although Adalbert is not recorded as being related to theking in any of Berengar''s charters down through 14 August 908 and hismarriage is not expliticly reference before 13 June 910, it must havetaken place some fifteen years before he and Gisela''s eldest son was sentwas granted a county and a missaticum in 918.[1] With Gisela he had twochildren: Berengar, who succeeded him as margrave, and Bertha, who becameabbess of Modena.

Between 913 and 915 Gisela died and Adalbert married Ermengard, daughterof Margrave Adalbert II of Tuscany.[1] From this marriage he had a secondson, Anscar, later Duke of Spoleto. In 916–17 his primary concern wasSaracen raids. In 920–21 he joined those noblemen, many of Burgundianorigin like him, who supported the candidature of King Rudolf II ofBurgundy for the Italian throne.[1] Adalbert, with Lambert, Archbishop ofMilan, and Count Gilbert of Bergamo, assembled a force in the mountainsoutside Brescia with the intention of marching on Verona and capturingBerengar there. When the latter got wind of the plan, he sent a troop ofMagyar mercenaries to circle the conspirators and attack them frombehind. In the midst of defeat, Adalbert swapped clothing with one of hissoldiers and paid his own ransom at a low price.[1] By late 921 Rudolfhad entered Italy and been recognised as king in the march of Ivrea andthe archdiocese of Milan. Although Adalbert made a few appearances atRudolf''s court in the early days, he never frequented it as often as didhis wife and his two sons.[1]

After his relative Hugh ascended the Italian throne, Adalbert appearancesin the records are sparse. He apparently played no role in Rudolf''sdeposition and Hugh''s acclamation.[1] He was probably gravely ill, sinceLiutprand of Cremona, writing in 924–25, already though him dead. Hislast recorded action, probably shortly before he died, was a donation tothe church of Saint Andrew in Turin, which was witnessed by King Hugh on28 February 929.[1]
  • AFT 28 FEB 929 - Death -
  • Nobility Title - of Ivrea
Adalbert I
- AFT 28 FEB 929
Family Group Sheet - Child
PARENT (M) Anscar of Ivrea
Marriageto ?
MAdalbert I
DeathAFT 28 FEB 929
MarriageBEF 903to Gisela of Friuli
MarriageBetween 913 and 915to Ermengard of Tuscany
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) Adalbert I
DeathAFT 28 FEB 929
MarriageBEF 903to Gisela of Friuli
MarriageBetween 913 and 915to Ermengard of Tuscany
FatherAnscar of Ivrea
PARENT (F) Gisela of Friuli
DeathBetween 913 and 915
MarriageBEF 903to Adalbert I
FatherBerengar I of Italy
MotherBertila of Spoleto
MBerengar II of Italy
Marriageto Willa of Tuscany
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) Adalbert I
DeathAFT 28 FEB 929
MarriageBEF 903to Gisela of Friuli
MarriageBetween 913 and 915to Ermengard of Tuscany
FatherAnscar of Ivrea
PARENT (F) Ermengard of Tuscany
MarriageBetween 913 and 915to Adalbert I
FatherAdalbert II
Descendancy Chart
Adalbert I d: AFT 28 FEB 929
Gisela of Friuli d: Between 913 and 915
Adalbert b: ABT 936 d: 30 APR 971
Agnes of Burgundy, Duchess of Aquitaine b: BEF 1000 d: 10 NOV 1068
Aenor de Châtellerault b: ABT 1103 d: MAR 1130
Henry II of England b: 5 MAR 1133 d: 6 JUL 1189
10 John of England b: 24 DEC 1167 d: 19 OCT 1216
Isabella of Angoulême b: 1188 d: 31 MAY 1246
Isabel of Gloucester b: 1173 d: 14 OCT 1217
Alfonso VIII of Castile b: 11 NOV 1155 d: 5 OCT 1214
Agnes of Aquitaine, Queen of Aragon b: ABT 1105 d: ABT 1159
10 Alfonso II of Aragon b: MAR 1157 d: 25 APR 1196
Agnes of Poitou b: ABT 1025 d: 14 DEC 1077
Agnes of Germany b: 1072/1073 d: 24 SEP 1143
Agnes of Babenberg b: 1108/1113 d: 24/25 JAN 1163
Alfonso VII of León and Castile b: 1 MAR 1105 d: 21 AUG 1157
Matilda of Swabia b: OCT 1048 d: 12 MAY 1060
Alfonso VII of León and Castile b: 1 MAR 1105 d: 21 AUG 1157
10 Alfonso VIII of Castile b: 11 NOV 1155 d: 5 OCT 1214
10 Alfonso IX of León b: 15 AUG 1171 d: 23/24 SEP 1230
Theresa of Portugal, Queen of León b: 4 OCT 1178 d: 18 JUN 1250
Alfonso II of Aragon b: MAR 1157 d: 25 APR 1196
10 Alfonso II, Count of Provence b: 1174 d: 1 DEC 1209
Afonso I of Portugal b: 25 JUN 1109 d: 6 DEC 1185
Agnes of Savoy b: 1125 d: 1172
Adelaide of Maurienne b: 1092 d: 18 NOV 1154
Agnès de Garlande b: 1122 d: 1143
Hawise of Salisbury b: 1118 d: 1152
Adèle of Champagne b: ABT 1140 d: 4 JUN 1206
Agnes of Merania d: JUL 1201
William III of Ponthieu b: ABT 1095 d: JUN 1172
10 Isabel de Warenne d: 12 JUL 1203
Hamelin de Warenne, Earl of Surrey b: 1129 d: 7 MAY 1202
Alberada of Buonalbergo d: ABT JUL 1122
10 Agnes of Antioch b: 1154 d: ABT 1184
Adelaide-Blanche b: ABT 940 d: 1026
William I b: ABT 1028 d: 9 SEP 1087
Adela b: ABT 1067 d: 8 MAR 1137
Adèle of Champagne b: ABT 1140 d: 4 JUN 1206
Agnes of Merania d: JUL 1201
Henry I of England d: 1 DEC 1135
Henry II of England b: 5 MAR 1133 d: 6 JUL 1189
10 John of England b: 24 DEC 1167 d: 19 OCT 1216
Isabella of Angoulême b: 1188 d: 31 MAY 1246
Isabel of Gloucester b: 1173 d: 14 OCT 1217
Alfonso VIII of Castile b: 11 NOV 1155 d: 5 OCT 1214
Adeliza of Louvain b: ABT 1103 d: 23 APR 1151
Swanhilde d: 1132